Sunday, December 29, 2019

Sex Offenders And Gps - 880 Words

Sex Offenders and GPS Tethering Summary: Sex offenders that were convicted, but not incarcerated are released back into the community. They have many hurdles to jump in order to prove the authority and even their neighbors that they have changed and will not reoffend. There are numerous limitations and controls for such offenders, and a few of them are GPS tethers, residence and employment restrictions, and regular mandatory registrations. Many of these policies were implemented after horrific events where children were abducted or lured, raped, and murdered. The article â€Å"Social Policies Designed to Prevent Sexual Violence† discusses how the latter policies need a revision with scientific evidence-based approach and that policies that use risk assessment strategies to identify high risk offenders should be created instead. Issues: The issues are whether these policies protect the community, help lower sex crime and recidivism rates, reduce monetary spending, and assist the offenders with adjusting and developing their life after the conviction. One of the most recent and improved technology devices used to track the offenders is global positioning system (GPS). Operations of GPS tethers raise such questions as the cost of monitoring and administrating, intrusion in privacy of the offenders, and what is the long term effect of being monitored. Pros: One of the benefits of utilizing the GPS devices is that they provide the information of whereabouts of multiple individualsShow MoreRelatedProblem Formulation Research887 Words   |  4 PagesIII , ESQ. July 26, 2009 Problem Formulation Research and Theory Analysis This paper will cover GPS Monitoring in Pinellas County for sex offenders. During the summer of 2006 election was heating up in reference to sex offenders and monitoring GPS devices. Proposition 83, called for Jessica’s Law was on the California ballot. The reason for this proposition was to have all sex offenders wear this device and be monitored at all times. Other states wanted this proposition to pass so it couldRead MoreThe Use Of GPS Monitoring System908 Words   |  4 Pagescommonly used today among law enforcement is the global positioning system also known as GPS. Using GPS monitoring is an important tool that correction officers use for individuals that are either on parole or house arrest. The tracking device is essential to not only maintaining the location of the certain people in question, but it also assists in monitoring the behavior and social interactions of the offender(s) on a daily basis. Electronic monitoring is an alternative form of punishment insteadR ead MoreCriminal Justice Sex Offender Strategies Essay1120 Words   |  5 Pagesprofessionals use strategies to monitor sex offenders. The main three general categories of supervision are statutory mandates, treatment, and electronic monitoring devices. Due to the fact that sex offenders are the hardest to supervise, there needs to be effective strategies. This group is the hardest to supervise because a sexual act can occur at anytime and anywhere in a quick timeframe. Statutory Mandates The laws and sanctions that sex offenders must adhere to while under some type ofRead MoreApplication Of The Gps Monitoring Program1488 Words   |  6 Pagesmonitoring program. Under North Carolina General Statutes 14-208.40 it requires any individual found to be a recidivist sex offender must be ordered to partake in the sex offender monitoring system. Grady raised objections to the program arguing because of the unreasonable searches the structure of the program allows that his Fourth Amendment rights would be violated. 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However gun restriction policies have been centered on peop le with dangerous behaviors such as offenders who have been convicted of domestic violence and offenders who are convicted of felonies (Mcginty et al. 2014). RAT suggests that a crime will be committed if there is little preventing the crime from happening. Gun control policies have been structured around hindering easyRead MoreAnalysis Of The Movie Pre Trial Release On The United States 1582 Words   |  7 Pagesextralegal variables (sex, age, and residency), the authors found in their analysis that â€Å"although Hispanic defendants utilizing private counsel receive lower bail amounts than defendants assigned a court-appointed attorney, only the variables age, residency, and offense seriousness significantly affect bail amount set† (Turner Johnson, 2007, pg. 384). Interestingly, Turner and Johnson note a 1994 study by Reeves and Perez that found Hispanics to be the largest population of offenders who fail to appearRead MoreWhy Do Sex Offenders Do The Things They Do?932 Words   |  4 Pagesto know more about sexual assault, sex offenders, and the role that citizens can play in keeping their communities safe. It is unfortunate that sex crimes are not uncommon in the United States. It is estimated that one in every five girls and one in every seven boys are sexually abused by the time they reach adulthood (CSOM, 2006). One in six adult women and one in 33 adult men experience an attempted or completed sexual assault (Tjaden Thoennes, 2006). Sex offenses represent under 1% of allRead MoreWhy Do Sex Offenders Do The Things They Do?971 Words   |  4 Pagesassault, sex offenders, and the role that you can play in keeping your community protected. Unfortunately, sex crimes are not the exception in our country. Statistics indicate that one in every five girls and one in every seven boys are sexually abused by the time they reach adulthood (CSOM, 2006). â€Å"One in six adult women and one in 33 adult men experience an attempted or completed se xual assault. 1 in 6 female children and 1 in 20 boys are victims of sexual abuse† (NCVC, 2015). Sex offensesRead MoreSexual Offenders And The Law2195 Words   |  9 PagesSexual Offenders and the Law Joseph D. Williams Professor Weslea Bell English 215 10 June 9, 2015 â€Æ' Sexual Offenders and the Law Sexual offender registry is a deeply emotional and intuitive issue. The issue has captured the support of the politicians and the community, but the upsurge of outwardly automatic public support has enabled and encouraged the legislators to move to fast very quickly. The representatives latched onto this issue because it is a political strategy for accumulating votes

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay - Women in The Wife of Bath

Women in Chaucers The Wife of Bath Chaucers The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale is a medieval legend that paints a portrait of strong women finding love and themselves in the direst of situations. It is presented to the modern day reader as an early tale of feminism showcasing the ways a female character gains power within a repressive, patriarchal society. Underneath the simplistic plot of female empowerment lies an underbelly of anti-feminism. Sometimes this is presented blatantly to the reader, such as the case of Janekins reading aloud from The Book of Wikked Wives (The Wife of Baths Prologue and Tale 691). However, there are many other instances of anti-feminism that may not scream so loudly to the reader. This†¦show more content†¦The General Prologue gives evidence of Alisons prowess as a weaver: of cloth-making she hadde swich an haunt/ She passed hem of Ypres and of Gaunt (General Prologue 449-450). Despite this talent and position as a business owner, Alison still relies on her husbands for wealth and status. While Alison in her own right is an accomplished artisan, she is rarely seen as her own person. Others on the voyage to Canterbury are referred to by their name and occupation, for example the Clerk and the Merchant, yet Alison is referred to as the wife of Bath. This shows that her importance lies within her sexuality or marital status. She is not a person or even an artisan; she is merely a wife. Another criticism of Alisons character as one representing feminist ideals is that she gains her power through acting out stereotypes of women as well as violence. The criticism of women began with Eve eating the apple, which caused the downfall of mankind (meaning solely men). Hereby, women were the downfall of men. Wives were thought to be nagging, vicious, and yet in complete subordination to their husbands. In the case of her first three husbands, Alison commands power by acting out these aged stereotypes. She tells the reader: I governed hem so wel after my lawe/ That eech of hem ful blissful was and fawe/ To bringe me gaye thinges fro the faire; They were ful glade whan I spak hem faire, For GodShow MoreRelated Passive Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales? Essay1466 Words   |  6 PagesPassive Women in Chaucers Canterbury Tales? One argument that reigns supreme when considering Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales is whether or not there is an element of anti-feminism within the text. One thread that goes along with this is whether or not the women of The Canterbury Tales are passive within the tales told. This essay will explore the idea that the women found within the tales told by the pilgrims (The Knight’s Tale, The Miller’s Tale and The Wife of Bath’s Tale to name a few)Read MoreAttitudes Toward Marriage in Chaucers the Canterbury Tales1477 Words   |  6 PagesAttitudes Toward Marriage in Chaucers The Canterbury Tales Chaucers The Canterbury Tales demonstrate many different attitudes toward and perceptions of marriage. Some of these ideas are very traditional, such as that discussed in the Franklins Tale, and others are more liberal such as the marriages portrayed in the Millers and the Wife of Baths Tales. While several of these tales are rather comical, they do indeed give us a representation of the attitudes toward marriage at that time inRead MoreThe Wife of Bath Essay715 Words   |  3 PagesWife of Bath vs. Lady Gaga Geoffrey Chaucers, Wife of Bath, character in Canterbury Tales can be compared with todays modern pop icon Lady Gaga. Both woman share many similar qualities regarding their personality types and behavior. From the Fifteenth century to the Twenty- First, these women symbolize feminism and contradiction of societal norms. This essay will discuss the similarities and differences between Chaucers fictional character, the Wife of Bath, and Lady Gaga, one of this century’sRead MoreWomen In Geoffrey Chaucers Canterbury Tales1288 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Geoffrey Chaucer’s â€Å"The Canterbury Tales† is a collection of stories written between 1387 and 1400 about a group of thirty people who travel as pilgrims to Canterbury (England) and on their way, they tell stories to each other about their lives and experiences. The stories constitute a critique of English society at the time, and particularly of the Church, while women seem to be presented in a different way than they are in other contemporary works. The aim of this essay is to present theRead MoreAnalysis Of The Wife Of Bath 1660 Words   |  7 PagesThe Canterbury Fails: An Analysis of Misogyny in the Wife of Bath’s Tale At first glance, you wouldn’t think that the Wife of Bath’s tale is anything other than feminist. She is, undeniably, the only non-religious female character in The Canterbury Tales and therefore is the only character who is approached from a point of view that was generally uncommon. We don’t have many— or even any, as far as I’m aware— pieces of medieval literature written by or for women or with a main female protagonistRead MoreThe Wife Of Bath s Prologue And Tale1338 Words   |  6 PagesDuring medieval times, women were not placed on a high pedestal; in fact, some religious institutions at the time felt women were in almost every instance the weaker sex. Misogyny abounded during these times. Quite often than not, women played a very minimized role in medieval literature. The pattern was the same: either they were a helpless damsel in need of a knight in shining armor with his trusty stead or they were portrayed as being sexually promis cuous with multiple men which stoked the fireRead More Powerful Satire in Chaucers Canterbury Tales Essay3466 Words   |  14 PagesPowerful Satire in The Canterbury Tales If one theme can be considered overriding or defining throughout Medieval European society, it would most likely be the concept of social class structure. During this early historical period in Europe, most of society was divided into three classes or estates: the workers, the nobles, and the clerics. By Chaucers time, however, the powerful estate structure had begun to wear down. Weaknesses in the system became apparent, as many people, such as ChaucerRead MoreGood and Evil in Dante’s Divine Comedy and Chaucer’s The Wife of Bath1877 Words   |  8 Pagestwo opposing thought processes can be seen by looking at Dante’s Divine Comedy, and Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales: The Wife of Bath. Even though Dante and Chaucer never met, Dante died nineteen years before Chaucer was born, Dante inadvertently became Chaucer’s life long mentor. Dante’s severe spirit turned out to be far more harsh than Chaucer’s mild nature, however Dante’s protà ©gà ©, Boccaccio, became one of Chaucer’s greatest inspirations. While under Boccaccio’s wing Chaucer learned an appreciationRead MoreSimilarities Between The Millers Tale And The Wife Of Bath1507 Words   |  7 PagesHow are women perceived in Chaucer’s The Canterbury Tales? The Miller’s Tale and The Wife of Bath’s Tale both portray women as having a great deal of sexual desire, which was considered taboo for its time. Alisoun, a character in The Miller’s Tale, and The Wife of Bath are portrayed as being promiscuous, however both of these women find empowerment in demonstrating their sexual agency, which was certainly a taboo perspective for the time in which Th e Canterbury Tales were written. While the maleRead MoreThe Irony of Geoffrey Chaucer in the Canterbury Tales Essay732 Words   |  3 Pages To begin, I will catch you up on what has happened up until the prologues of the characters. Chaucer introduced to us the characters that are going on this big trip to Canterbury. A number of religious affiliated people went on this group trip. Having the religious people in the group had a major impact on the people. They were able to get to really learn the true attitudes are the way these people really where. So in the general prologue, all the characters introduced themselves and gave a little

Friday, December 13, 2019

the International Financial Reporting Standard in the uk Free Essays

International Financial Reporting Standards are a set of regulations issued by the International Accounting Standard Board, an independent organic structure located in London, United Kingdom. In the period 1973-2000, the International Accounting Standard Board ( IASB ) and the International Accounting Standard Committee ( IASC ) , an organisation formed in 1973 by professional accounting organic structures in Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Mexico, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Ireland, and the United States, issued the international criterions. Those criterions were known during the mentioned period as the International Accounting Standards ( IAS ) ( Ball 2005 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on the International Financial Reporting Standard in the uk or any similar topic only for you Order Now From April 2001onwards, the IASB became the functionary organic structure for publishing regulations and criterions sing accounting and fiscal issues under IFRS. At the same clip, IAS which issued by the International Accounting Standard Committee ( IASC ) are still acceptable by the IASB ( Ball 2005 ) . Harmonizing to the International Accounting Standard Board, since 2001 at least 120 states have required or permitted the acceptance of IFRS. In 2002, the European Union launched that all EU states ‘ listed companies must fix themselves to follow IFRS from 2005. In 2003, the first IFRS1 issued by IASB â€Å" first-time acceptance â€Å" and the undermentioned states commit themselves to follow the IFRS ( Australia, Hong Kong, New Zealand and South Africa ) . In 2005, In Europe about 7,000 listed houses in 25 states at the same time change to IFRSs. US Security Exchange Committee Chief Accountant issues ‘roadmap ‘ depicting stairss towards the remotion of the rapprochement demands by 2009. 2006, China adopts accounting criterions well in line with IFRSs in order to acquire full convergence after the Memorandum of Understanding has been made between IASB and FASB for progressing convergence of IFRSs and US GAAP. In 2007, Brazil, Canada, Chile, India, Japan and Korea all launch a day of the month to follow or meet with IFRSs. In 2008, Israel, Malaysia and Mexico to follow IFRSs and United States issues ‘roadmap ‘ for IFRS acceptance, update of IASB-FASB Memorandum of Understanding released and IASB paths complete response to the fiscal crisis. The completion of first portion of Constitution Review by IASCF was in 2009, besides the IASB increased members to 16 by 2012. Study overview: This survey will concentrate on the impact of implementing IFRS on UK listed companies through statistical analysis, mensurating the differences of fiscal ratios before and after the acceptance of IFRS. Then the survey will analyze the balance sheet and income statement points in order to research the grounds for differences in fiscal ratios and so analyze which of the IFRSs that made these differences. The fiscal ratios will be used in this survey are: The profitableness ratios: operating net income border ( OPM ) , return on equity ( ROE ) and return on invested capital ( ROIC ) . Leverage: measured by equity ratio ( ER ) and pitching ratio ( GR ) . Liquidity ratios: current ratio ( CR ) and speedy ratio ( QR ) . Market-based ratio: monetary value to net incomes ratio ( PE ) . Research Problems: This survey will be trying to analyze the followers: The effects that may ensue from altering describing criterion from the UK GAAP to the International Financial Reporting Standard. The survey will concentrate on fiscal ratios, specifically profitability ratios, fiscal purchase, liquidness ratios and the market-based ratio of the houses that adopt the IFRS and impacts of this acceptance. Purposes and Aims of the survey: This survey will turn to the research inquiry whether there is an impact on the public presentation of the companies that adopt IFRS alternatively of their local GAAPs. Further more, this survey is a attempt to add more literature to the 1s that already done in this country but on different states in order to Rationale and Justification for the survey: The principle and the justification of this survey is an effort by the research worker to find whether if there is an impact on the cardinal fiscal ratios consequences when following the International Financial Reporting Standards. There are many literatures done about the issue of following IFRS and its impact on the public presentation of the houses. Such literatures tackle the topic from different point of position, but this survey will concentrate on analyzing the impact on fiscal ratios through statistical analysis. Methodology: This survey will analyze the impact of acceptance of IFRS on fiscal ratios of the listed houses in UK for the old ages 2002, 2003 and 2004 as the old ages before the compulsory acceptance in 2005, so the old ages 2006, 2007 and 2008 as the old ages after the acceptance. The survey will utilize the fiscal ratios for 30 listed houses in the UK. This research will follow the survey of Lantto A ; Sahlstrom ( 2009 ) , where they analyse the differences between fiscal ratios before and after the transition from Finnish accounting criterions to IFRS. This survey will utilize the same methodological analysis on the UK houses and will prove the statistical significances of the differences, and analyze the major grounds for the differences before and after the transition. Research construction: Chapter one: debut Chapter two: differences and similarities between IFRS and UK GAAP Chapter three: research methodological analysis Chapter four: consequences Chapter five: decision and treatment Plan of the Survey: The entry of the thesis will be on the of September 2010 and it will be finished in about four months get downing from June up to September and can be scheduled as follows: Literature Reappraisal: Many literatures have studied the impact of the acceptance of IFRS alternatively of national GAAPs in order to analyze the betterment of fiscal coverage. IFRS is established to minimise the spread between fiscal statements prepared under different national or domestic GAAPs. Lantto A ; Sahlstrom ( 2009 ) analyze the impact of IFRS acceptance on cardinal fiscal ratios in Finland after transition from DAS to IFRS. Their survey conclude that there have been alterations in cardinal fiscal ratios of Finnish companies after the acceptance of IFRS perceptibly increasing in profitableness ratios and pitching ratios on one manus. On the other manus, they have found a decreasing in the PE, equity and speedy ratios. These additions in profitableness ratios and lessenings in PE ratio are due to the additions in the income statement net incomes. They refer that the remotion of the amortisation of purchased good will harmonizing to IFRS 3 is the chief ground for the noticeable increasing in the ratios of profitableness. They besides found that there is an addition in duty points and a lessening in stockholders equity and this will take to increase the fiscal purchase ratios. In add-on, the addition of the current liabilities made the liquidness ratios to diminish, wh ere Daske et Al ( 2008 ) examine the compulsory acceptance of ( IFRS ) and its effects on the economic system on different states over the universe. They analyze a sample of houses in 26 states in order to analyze the effects on market liquidness, cost of capital, and Tobin ‘s Q in these states. Their determination was, on mean, market liquidness increases around the clip of the debut of IFRS which contradict Lantto A ; Sahlstrom ( 2009 ) . They recorded an addition in equity ratings which is consistent with Lantto ‘s consequences and a lessening in houses ‘ cost of capital, when the effects took topographic point before the official acceptance day of the month. When spliting their sample, they find that states that have intensifiers for transparence tend to hold capital-market benefits. When they make comparing between compulsory and voluntary adoptive parents, they find that the capital market effects are most obvious for companies that voluntarily adopted IFRS, in both old ages when they adopt IFRS and once more afterwards, when IFRS go compulsory. Furthermore, Cordazzo ( 2007 ) address the concern of altering from Italian GAAP to IFRS by supplying empirical support of the nature and the size of the differences between Italian GAAP and IAS/IFRS. He studied Italian listed companies in order to demo the most of import effects of the acceptance of IAS/IFRS. The consequences show a further the entire impact of altering to IFRS on net income than stockholders ‘ equity. His consequences confirms Lantto A ; Sahlstrom ( 2009 ) consequences in footings of positive impact on net income and contradicts with Daske et Al ( 2008 ) and Lantto A ; Sahlstrom ( 2009 ) in the impact on stockholders equity when his consequences showed a lessening in this point. The single accommodations show more major differences between the Italian GAAP and IAS/IFRS in how to handle concern combination, fiscal instruments, commissariats and intangible assets with m ention to both net income and stockholders ‘ equity ; while there has been an of import difference merely on stockholders ‘ equity in income revenue enhancements, and belongings, works, and equipment. Nevertheless, Jermakowicz ( 2004 ) study the acceptance of IFRS in Belgium. The survey examined 20 companies in Belgium tracking the impact of IFRS on their studies. This survey adopted a study attack sent to 20 Belgian houses aims to happen out that using IFRS will impact the method of coverage of these companies every bit good as enhance the comparison degrees in fixing amalgamate histories for these houses. The first three companies that adopted the IFRS in 2003 were analyzed quantitatively. The survey summarises that companies adopted the IFRS alternatively of Belgian GAAP reported a considerable impact on their net income, every bit good as equity, which is consistent with Daske et Al ( 2008 ) and Lantto A ; Sahlstrom ( 2009 ) . Besides, Iatridis A ; Rouvolis ( 2009 ) look into the effects of the acceptance of IFRS alternatively of Greek GAAP on the fiscal figures of Greek listed companies. They besides study the factors related to IFRS voluntary revelations before officially following IFRS, the grade of net incomes direction under IFRS, and the value relevancy of IFRS-based accounting Numberss. Their consequences show that the following IFRS has caused instability in the figures of balance sheet and income statement of Grecian companies. They found that there has been a major betterment in fiscal figures in the undermentioned period even though the effects of the passage cost because of following IFRS. The consequences show that the twelvemonth of the acceptance of IFRS in 2005 did impact the fiscal figures adversely in footings of profitableness and liquidness. In twelvemonth 2006, these figures recorded an betterment, which they refer it to that IFRS became more well-known to the Grecian companies. Another survey has been done on German companies that adopt IFRS by Van Tendeloo and Vanstraelen in 2005. They tackle the issue of whether the acceptance of IFRS is related to lower net incomes direction. They study German companies that have adopted IFRS if they engage significantly less in net incomes direction compared to companies fixing their studies under German GAAP. In their consequences, they propose that the acceptance of IFRS can non be related with lower net incomes direction. Schipper ( 2005 ) study the effects related to mandatory acceptance of IFRS in the European Union and he found that the International Accounting Standards Board must supply more inside informations about the usage of the IFRS and the inauspicious effects that may ensue due to the acceptance of IFRS, or at that place will non be broad usage of IFRS by the comptrollers who prepare the fiscal studies and they will go on to utilize local GAAPs or US GAAP. Jones A ; Higgins ( 2006 ) support Schipper ‘s consequences when he studied 60 companies in Australia that adopt IFRS through a telephone study. They find important fluctuation in the study answers with elements such as house size, industry background and expected impacts on fiscal public presentation ; the overall consequences show that many of the companies have non been good prepared for altering to IFRS and they are dubious about acquiring any benefits from following IFRS. Callao et Al ( 2006 ) . Quoted in Callao, Jarne A ; LaA?A ±nez ( 2007 ) inspect the manner in which Spanish companies have dealt with procedure of using IFRS. The base of empirical survey is a study sent to Spanish concern groups listed on the Madrid stock exchange. The consequences show that these companies have taken a really positive attitude towards the harmonisation procedure and the acceptance of IFRS in one manus. On the other manus, altering to IFRS is dearly-won and needs more alterations in concern organisation and constructions, every bit good as accounting policies. A twelvemonth subsequently a contradictory survey done by Callao et Al ( 2007 ) when he examine the effects of the acceptance of IFRS on the comparison and relevancy of fiscal coverage in Spain. This survey tried to compare between houses that adopt IFRS and others that still use the local GAAP. They found that following IFRS did negatively impact the comparison and concluded that using both criterions at t he same clip in the same state will do it hard when comparing between houses, even in the same industry. Their survey besides consequences that the fiscal coverage has non improved because there was a spread between the book value and market value when altering to IFRS. They besides concluded that there will non be benefits from using IFRS in the short term and may be there will be in medium and long term. Peng A ; Smith ( 2009 ) look into the convergence procedure through the old ages ( 1992-2006 ) of the convergence of Chinese GAAP with IFRS from theoretical point of position. They find that there have been an of import motion towards convergence took topographic point through the issue of four following Chinese GAAPs: 1992, 1998, 2001, and 2006. Convergence between Chinese GAAP to IFRS happened through both, the direct import of criterions from IFRS and progressive alterations to Chinese GAAP. Direct import was observed for points either reflective of traditional Chinese accounting pattern or 1s that addressed state of affairss non considered or non relevant under the old accounting theoretical account. Progressive alterations to Chinese GAAP were observed on points well different from traditional pattern. On the whole, they concluded that both combination of staged execution and direct import has proven to be practical and effectual in the convergence of Chinese GAAP with IFRS. Jones and Luther ( 2005 ) examine three Bavarian companies and two direction consultancy houses in Germany, whether the alteration to IFRS could hold important effects on the typical traditional direction accounting patterns applied in the field of control. They conclude that directors have to take between, either uniting external and internal coverage or go oning to run double accounting systems, restricting the acceptance of IFRS to external coverage. Ormrod and Taylor ( 2004 ) analyse the impact of the following IFRS alternatively of UK GAAP on compacts included in debt contracts. Their consequences showed more volatile on net incomes figures, every bit good as in fluctuations reported net incomes and balance sheet elements. Wei?enberger, Stahl, andVorstius ( 2004 ) study the surveyed a group of German houses listed in ( DAX100 ) for the grounds that made these houses choose IFRS or US GAAP instead than German GAAP. The research workers received 81 responses out of 359 houses ‘ sample. Their consequences showed that the ground of acceptance of IFRS or USGAAP by these German houses was that they was anticipating to hold terms in the capital markets, every bit good as to better supply of information, and the internationalisation of investors. However, they found that non all of these aims were attained. Larson and Street ( 2004 ) study 17 European states to analyze the obstructions of the convergence in these states ( Switzerland, the10 new EU members and other EU campaigner states ) . The informations used was gathered in2002 convergence study by the former Big Six international accounting houses. They showed in their consequences that two major obstructions to convergence are the trouble of definite IFRS and the tax-orientation of many local systems. How to cite the International Financial Reporting Standard in the uk, Essay examples